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The Repurposed Spy

After a career in teaching, what Ronald Jones wants to do most with his retirement is travel. To get himself away from it all, relieve his chronic anxiety, calm his deep distrust of other people. Relax.


As a young man, with everything still in front of him, he had spent time in Brazil. Now, with it all behind him, he decides to go back. He has money, no ties, and nothing to stay at home for. It seems a simple plan, easily fulfilled. Arrange an itinerary, book a one-way ticket, lock up the house, get to the airport.


Then the enigmatic Mr Smith pays a call.


Catapulted into a new and very different existence, and with no apparent experience of this new world, Jones is way out of his depth, and in mortal danger. Moody men in suits, shape-shifting female agents, spooks and robotic controllers are suddenly his daily companions. Just how far do these people expect him to take things? And if he cooperates, will they ever bring him back from the edge?


Ronald Jones wanted to travel. He got far more than he had bargained for.

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About Me

Welcome to my website! My third book ‘Spies on Safari’, the sequel to The Repurposed Spy, was published in November 2023. The third in the series, “Spies on the Silk Road” is scheduled for publication in mid-2024. The series features a cast of characters engaged in industrial espionage on an international scale. 

My first book was a travelogue ‘There’s No Business Like International Business’. As well as finding out more here on this website, you’ll find articles on things that interest me and I hope will interest you too, and my other passions of travel, cooking and international business – all of which are wrapped up into my Spies series of novels!

Oliver has a desire for adventure and exploration. Even in the workplace. Which took him to “off the beaten track” destinations, around the globe. This gifted him a wealth of knowledge & understanding regards a vast array of business and political cultures. He shared his knowledge & experience generously, which made for a wonderful environment.

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News about my current and future books and additional material.


Various articles I've written on topics that have grabbed my attention.


Stories of some of the travels I have made - a travel blog work in progress.


I love cooking! I post some of the recipes I enjoy cooking and have adapted to be more diet-conscious.

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VINX Digital

I’m delighted to be associated with VINX, specialists in digital media and bringing a unique commitment to helping their SME customers achieve personal and brand recognition and success.

grow through international expansion

I’m the host of podcasts and author of many articles at the definitive source for all information about international business expansion.